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    Incredible Cross-sections of Star Wars, Episode II - Attack of the Clones

     Star Wars - Incredible Cross-sections - Episode II - Attack of the Clones
    DK Publishing | ISBN: 0789485745 | April 23, 2002 | PDF | 34 pages | 66 mB

    It really doesn't make a blind bit of difference whether or not you are 'into' the whol Star Wars phenomenon; this incredible cross-section guide to the 'craft' created for Attack of the Clones should go down in history as a work of art in itself. The most gifted and technically agile minds have worked on this beautifully illustrated book and they need recognition, not just for their contribution to the Lucas Star Wars dynasty but because their imaginations and dreams are way beyond those of us lesser mortals. If you have marvelled at the graphics in previous Star Wars movies then this book will be an absolute delight for you. The detail is not only perfect down to the minutest particle, but it all seems to be so plausible that it is hard to see why these craft are not in general use! Whatever you want to know about the Naboo Cruiser, Padme's Starship or Owen Lars's Swoop Bike, it's all here. A data file containing manufacturing details, dimensions and armaments, amongst other things, accompanies each illustration. There is also a general introduction to each craft, explaining its role in the storyline and referring to previous craft from earlier episodes. The most impressive part of the book is the central pull-out section of the Republic Gunship complete with close-ups of the damaged sections from previous conflicts, showing how the clone troops are transported ready for disembarkation. This is a fabulous book to pore over, and the joy of invention gushes off the pages. Star Wars fans will need no further urging, and agnostics should prepare to be converted.

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